Fueling Your Body: Understanding the Primary Function of Foo...

How Food Impacts Your Health and Well-being

Fueling Your Body: Understanding the Primary Function of Food

FoodHealthNutritionWellnessEating HabitsFood DiaryFood DisciplineLifestyle DiseasesHealthy Eating Rules
  • admin
  • 31 Mar, 2023

Food as fuel

Primary function of food is to energize.

Food gets converted into basic elements such as Carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen  

With the help of digestive system, its organs, enzymes and juices, the food gets converted into smaller elements. 

These elements are required for the proper functioning of the human body; they energize cells and preform vital functions inside the human body.

The food we eat gives our bodies the "information" and materials they need to function properly. 

If we don't get the right information, our metabolic processes suffer and our health declines.

If we get too much food, or food that gives our bodies the wrong instructions, we can become overweight, undernourished, and at risk for the development of diseases and conditions.

Food acts as medicine--to maintain, prevent, and treat disease.


Safe food safe health

Example of motorcycle: mixed up fuel degrades the engine

Same as in the case of food: safe and healthier food only makes safe body

Safe food consumption is the fundamental right of every citizen.

Everyone involving in the food chain should be responsible for keeping this chain smooth and well-functioning.


Choosing proper food suitable for your body

What we eat affects how we feel. 

Food should make us feel good. 

It should taste great and nourish our bodies. 

If you eat too little or eat too much, however, your health and quality of life could be affected.

This can result in negative feelings toward food.

Overall, there are many benefits to changing deep-seated, unhealthy eating habits, such as:

  • An increase in energy level and alertness.
  • A more positive relationship with food.
  • Improved health.
  • Easier movement.
  • Improved body image.

While we often have the best intentions to eat healthier, this is often a challenging task.

What factors influence our eating behaviors?

Experts believe many factors can influence our feelings about food and our eating behaviors. These factors include:

  • Cultural.
  • Evolutionary.
  • Social.
  • Family.
  • Individual.
  • Economic status.
  • Profession
  • Psychological.

The food we eat determines the type of impact it makes in the body.

Many people use food as a coping mechanism to deal with such feelings as stress, boredom or anxiety, or even to prolong feelings of joy. 

While this may help in the short term, eating to soothe and ease your feelings often leads to regret and guilt, and can even increase the negative feelings. 

You aren't actually coping with the problem causing the stress. Further, your self-image may suffer as you gain weight, or you may experience other undesired effects on your health, such as elevated blood sugars, cholesterol levels or blood pressure.

What treatments are used for weight management?

Cognitive behavioral treatment is the approach most often used because it deals with both thinking patterns and behavior. 

Some areas that are addressed through cognitive behavioral treatment include:

  • Determining the person's "readiness for change": This involves an awareness of what needs to be done to achieve your goals and then making a commitment to do it.
  • Learning how to self-monitor: Self-monitoring helps you become more aware of what triggers you to eat in the moment, and more mindful of your food choices and portions. It also helps you stay focused on achieving long-term progress.
  • Breaking linkages: The focus here is on stimulus control, such as not eating in particular settings, and not keeping unhealthy food choices in your home. Cognitive behavioral treatment also teaches distraction -- replacing eating with healthier alternatives -- as a skill for coping with stress. Positive reinforcement, rehearsal/problem-solving, finding social support and changing eating habits are specific techniques used to break linkages.

The food diary

A food diary is a tool to record in detail:

  • What food you eat.
  • When you eat.
  • How you feel when you're eating.
  • What you are doing (if anything) while you are eating.

The diary can help you get a better understanding of what you eat and why you eat it. It also can help your doctor, therapist, or dietitian work with you to make the necessary changes for successful weight management.

Food Journaling:

Food journaling is one of the most powerful things you can do to reach your healthy eating goals.

Tracking what you eat and drink each day can:

  • Make you more aware of what and when you eat.
  • Help you discover your personal eating patterns and habits.
  • Reinforce your new healthy habits and keep you on track for successful long-term change.

What you track in your food journal will depend on your healthy eating goals. In addition to tracking what and how much you eat and drink, consider tracking some of the following

Food Discipline

You don’t need to know how to be disciplined with food, but how to be disciplined with your own self.

This is what is called will power-your first and the last step to self-discipline training.

Eat what makes your body happy, not you.

Cut off the unnecessary junk.


Lifestyle related diseases

Most diseases today are a result of unmanaged food intake.

We can control most of them being in a controlled environment.


10 Healthy Eating rules

1. Load your plate with vegetables.

2. Eat a balanced breakfast.

3. Don’t starve yourself.

4. Ask questions when you eat out.

5. Have a plan when you hit the grocery store.

6. Cut down on processed foods.

7. Limit your sodium and sugar intake

8. Don’t just count calories.

9. Switch to whole grains.

10. Enjoy your food.